Click Google Calendar or ICS (Apple Calendar) to add Event to your personal calendar
*Dates are subject to change. Picture day is in October. The date will be added to the website’s calendar as soon as it is confirmed. Other school events will be added to the website and announced in the newsletter as they are planned. If you have not signed up for the newsletter click here.

Last Day of School for K4/K5 & Seniors
K4 Flying Up at 10 a.m.
K5 Graduation at 11:30 a.m.
Senior Chapel and Clap-out at 1:45 p.m.

Parent Teacher Meetings (PTM) - NO SCHOOL
Look for sign-up info in the weekly newsletter.

AC Community Event and Trunk or Treat 2024
Hosted by AC Kids (The Apostolic Church), this annual event is the kick-off for fall/winter season at The Apostolic Church. Trunk or Treat is free of charge. Kids are welcome to wear costumes. It’s a fun day full of candy-filled trunks, food trucks, gaming truck, petting zoo, cornhole tournament and much more.

Donuts with Grown-Ups
Students can bring grown-ups to enjoy donuts/muffins with them and to attend the Book Fair before school.

Grand Lunch
The Grand Lunch begins at 11:05 am for 1st - 6th grade. 11:30 for ELC and 12:00 for K4/K5. If you have students from multiple grade levels, we will work with you when you show up within this time frame.
Guests can order lunch here, students must order lunch through the Lunch Portal.

Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair will be open before and after school as well as during the day. If you would like to volunteer to help please complete the form. There will also be an opportunity to purchase books for your student’s teachers through the Teacher Wishlists, available at the Book Fair.