We are…
An excellent education in an extraordinary environment - a dynamic combination!
Mission Statement - To educate students in a Christian Environment while equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed and make a difference as they pursue higher education, the workplace and their entire lives.
We make it a priority to develop leaders.
Philosophy of Education – It is our belief that all students can learn and become successful. It is our goal to educate each student in a way that best allows them to learn and succeed in whatever they endeavor to do in life. Our school culture is a safe learning environment in which each student is an individual.
It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are
Vision Statement - The primary purpose and objective of AHCS is to train students in the knowledge of God and to give an excellent education in a God-fearing environment. The teachers of AHCS realize the solemn responsibility before God in molding the life and character of each of their students, and to give a good foundation for each child’s future. The administration and faculty demonstrate a caring concern for each child under their care.